Tuesday, June 22, 2010

DNR Bowhunter Survey Results

This week the DNR released the results of it's Bowhunter Survey. This was a mail-in survey. WBH used the same survey questions but sent the survey to only WBH members. The survey asked Bowhunters for their opinions on Deer herd status, DNR credibility, Crossbows, baiting and a variety of other related questions. You can view the survey results by clicking the links below. In regards to the crossbow issue. It's pretty clear that once again, a majority of Bowhunters are opposed to crossbows for everybody. Every time the full inclusion question is asked, the results show that a majority is opposed to the concept.

If you wish to view the DNR Bowhunters survey results in a side-by-side comparison of responses from WBH members and random Bowhunters, click the link below.


If you wish to view only the DNR Bowhunter survey results (responses from survey sent only to WBH members), click the link below


If you wish to view only the DNR Bowhunter survey results (responses from survey sent by the DNR to random Bowhunters), click the link below
